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Bash Snippets

change permission

  • -R recursive
# copy user permission to group permission
chmod -R g=u <folder_name>

zip and unzip files

  • -c create an archive
  • -z compress the archive with gzip
  • -x
  • -v verbose mode with progress
  • -f filename
# zip
tar -czvf name-of-archive.tgz /path/to/directory-or-file
# extract
tar -zxf name-of-archive.tgz /path/to/directory-or-file
# Check weather
> curl<location>

Weather report: SanFrancisco

.-. Light rain
( ). +50(44) °F
(___(__) ↖ 9 mph
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 8 mi
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 0.0 in

# Check the download and upload speed
> networkQuality